The 9th day of the November Novena 2024, which took place on December 24th in Nochebuena

The 9th day of the November Novena 2024, which took place on December 24th in Nochebuena

Hello, 24 Decemberno solos Nochebuenait is also the last day of the Novena of Navidad, a time of unification and for Catholics.

Go Ocho dias pasados fueron Moments that are familiar to us y de Preparation for the commemoration of the nacimiento de Jesus, el December 25th, now the tradition.

A sequel that was found novena de la Agencia Católica de Informaciones (ACI Prensa), specialized in Iglesia Católica content.

Novena: Day 9

Original call

In the name of the Padre, the Hijo and the Espiritu Santo. Amen

Oracion introductory

Benevolent God of infinity, whom we love, and whom we gave to you, the best friend of your love, who plunged us into the hands of the Virgin and brought us to a prayer for our healing and remedy; te damos gracias por tan immensely beneficio. In return, I recommended to you, Lord, he is sincere, to conquer this world for you and us, a world that is more than just the great commission of Amarnos as Hermanos. Concédenos, Señor, you helped me make this happen.

We assume that this is Navidad, the festival of peace and freedom, the sea for our community, the calm, the end that we live, like Hermanos, the most and more ways of the green, of justice, of love and of peace. Amen.

(Se reza un Padrenuestro)

Oración por la familia (esposos)

Señor, we are in a situation where we love each other. It’s not because you got hurt. That’s no wonder because you worried us. You have no selfishness because you are strangers to us. Que no haya rencor porque Tú nos das el perdón. I didn’t leave you because you talked to us. Que sepamos marchar hacia ti en el diario vivir. Que cada mañana amanezca a day full of entrega and sacrifice. To this day we meet with more love.

Haz, Señor, in our lives that we have on one side of you. Haz, Señor, from our Hijos lo que anhelas, ayúdanos a educarlos, orientarlos por your camino. We enforce mutual consent. Que hagamos del amor un motivo para marte más. When we reached the great day we were on, we expected the Hallarnos to conquer. Amen.

Oracion to the Virgin Mary

Soberana María, te pedimos por allas las families de nuestro país; Haz que cada hogar de nuestra patrià y del mundo sea fuente de comprensión, de ternura, de verdadera vida familiar. These are the festivals of the lakes that found us again in front of the sea when we came to Hijo, we were also in love, we blamed and longed to recognize the mistakes we have committed.

Madre de Dios y Madre Nuestra, pray for us. Amen.

Oracion in San Jose

Santísimo San José, ambassador of Mary and adoptive father of the Señor, you were present to receive the Father’s Veces in the house of Nazareth. Ayuda a los padres de familia; This is Sean Siempre in his home picture of Padre Celestial, an example of this; This means that they have a great responsibility for the education and training of their children, students and students with a constant commitment to what is best for them. Ayuda a los hijos a entender y appreciate the abnegado esfuerzo de sus padres. San José, modelo de esposo y padre, intercedes for us. Amen.

(Se reza un Padrenuestro)

Meditation of the day

On the last day of the Novena avivemos la ESPERANZA y el AMOR.

Love and desperation overwhelmed the man to the hilt. Por eso en el Himno a la caridad (el amor) San Pablo nos muestra que “el amor cree sin limites y espera sin limites” (1Cor 13, 7).

A vibrant life, a love without limits and a solid Esperanza, the son of fire, gold and the world, was given to us by Dios, who brought us to death to live and to mourn so that we would not be discouraged.

It’s thanks to the love that we have with all the ideals and it’s thanks to the esperanza that we love it.

Unfortunately, the love and desperation are so great that we have to overcome the obstacles and suffer sins.

I love Dios, we love each other and love each other. I would say that San Pedro was suggested in his first letter: “I discussed them again and again until I set out. Con dulzura, respeto y con una buena Conciencia” (1 Pe 3, 15-16).

When the Lama of Despair and the Fires of Love arrived, their bright, brilliant light shone throughout the New Year, and once they had lost the lights of the Navidad.

Oracion al niño Dios

Señor, the Navidad has been received by us, it is the presence of your love in our family and in our society. Navidad is sure that the God of Heaven and Animals is our Padre, you, Divino Niño, that is our Hermano.

This was a reunion, just before your death, when we dissolved in your alliance, we became a living life like Hermanos, we were full of bravery to come together with the Odio and face justice and peace. Oh, Divino Niño, I understand that you need love and justice, that’s all, and you too are Navidad. Amen.

(Se reza un Gloria)


R. Dulce My dear Jesus, my beloved child. ¡Ven a nuestras almas! ¡Ven, no tardes tanto!

Oh, Sapiencia Suma del Dios Soberano, que a nivel of a niño te hadas rebajado. Oh, Divine Infante, ven para enseñarnos la prudencia que hace verdaderos sabios.

R. Dulce My dear Jesus, my beloved child. ¡Ven a nuestras almás! ¡Ven, no tardes tanto!

Niño del Pesebre, our Dios and Hermano, Tú sabes y entiendes del dolor humano; que cuando suframos dolores y angustias, siempre recordemos que nos has salvado.

R. Dulce My dear Jesus, my beloved child. ¡Ven a nuestras almás! ¡Ven, no tardes tanto!

Oh, lumbre de oriente, sol de ewern rayos, que entre las tinieblas tú splendor veamos, Niño tan precioso, dicha del cristiano, luzca la sonrisa de tus dulces labios.

R. Dulce My dear Jesus, my beloved child. ¡Ven a nuestras almas! ¡Ven, no tardes tanto!

Rey de las naciones, Emmanuel Preclaro, de Israel Anhelo, Pastor del Rebaño. Niño que apacientas with suave cayado, ya la oveja arisca ya el cordero manso.

R. Dulce My dear Jesus, my beloved child. ¡Ven a nuestras almas! ¡Ven, no tardes tanto!

Ábrase los cielos y lueva de lo alto bienhechor rocío, like riego santo. Ven hermoso niño, ven, Dios humanado; luce hermosa estrella, brota flor del campo.

R. Dulce My dear Jesus, my beloved child. ¡Ven a nuestras almas! ¡Ven, no tardes tanto!

You are a little boy in a family full of warmth and human warmth. Live the hogares aquí congregados, the great compromise of love Cristiano.

R. Dulce My dear Jesus, my beloved child. ¡Ven a nuestras almas! ¡Ven, no tardes tanto!

Del débil auxilio, del doliente amparo; Consuelo del Triste, luz de desterrado. Vida de mi vida, mi sueño adorado; My constant friend, my divino hermano.

R. Dulce My dear Jesus, my beloved child. ¡Ven a nuestras almas! ¡Ven, no tardes tanto!

Before my eyes, they were excited; Bese ya tus plantas, bese ya tus manos. Prosternado en tierra te tiendo los brazos y aún más que me phrases te dices millanto.

R. Dulce My dear Jesus, my beloved child. ¡Ven a nuestras almas! ¡Ven, no tardes tanto!

Haz de nuestra patria una gran familia; Siembra en nuestro suelo tu amor y tu paz. We were in life, we were obsessed and a sincere love we had more.

R. Dulce My dear Jesus, my beloved child. ¡Ven a nuestras almas! ¡Ven, no tardes tanto!

Ven Salvador now has suspiramos. ¡Ven a nuestras almas! ¡Ven, no tardes tanto!

Invocation final

In the name of the Padre, the Hijo and the Espiritu Santo. Amen


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