Valverde: “No intention, but the court is asking for help.”

Valverde: “No intention, but the court is asking for help.”

Ernesto Valverde calmed down during the hour in which he analyzed the act of the college and the cancellation of the gold of Iñaki Williams. Also what the Rota is entitled to. “It was an opportunity to play until the final because there were no consequences. Barcelona is a big outfit with a lot of setbacks. I had the intent and intent to keep the game alive. “Nada more”.

Recognize the cost that your equipment has in the party. “No games at the start of the last two years. We had to adapt and they marked primary school until the end of primary school, sometimes two weeks ago. For some, very quickly. The players took their time for many months. The feeling of moving forward and dying This is not the case “Sensitized Mojados, but I don’t know that I build up a lot of Cansados.”

La jugada del gol anulado

The Athletic technician did not enter the pole position with the golfer canceled by Oscar Vales. “No es realmente un pase de Álvaro before Williams split up, but his influence was important and vital to the actionasí que sí. Toca la Pelota. Creo árbitro simplemente aplicó las reglass. Marcamos dos goles, but the two referees thought that the era of the game would begin.

About the Australian Nico Williams said: “Nico worked all day Ayer estaba prácticamente descartadobut I inhabited it the most and therefore left it. I don’t think you’ll like it.

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