America busca preserver su ventaja ante Monterrey for conseguir tricampeonato inédito

America busca preserver su ventaja ante Monterrey for conseguir tricampeonato inédito

CITY OF MEXICO (AP) – The United States maintains the great wind that it decided before Monterrey in the last phase of the Torneos final to convert into the basic equipment and win three titles in Mexico since they were just before the Torneos in 1996 stood.

Las Águilas remontaron last week with anecdotes from Kevin Álvarez and stadium player Alejandro Zendejas to defeat the Rayados 2-1.

When he was captained by Brazil, André Jardine had to concentrate on starting the three-way battle. Due to the difference between the first two titles, the Águilas must complete the excursion on the terrace to register their campeonato.

“It’s the first time we decided for the future, it’s different and the series is canceled. “Diría lo mismo si hubiéramos hecho un gol más or si hubiéramos perdido,” Jardine said. “The definition is ongoing, you need to concentrate, the second part needs to be consistent, maybe the final needs to be decided first.”

Due to the difference between the previous rounds and the final, I had to focus on position on the table to define a series.

Before America, the two teams faced in the Torneos Pumas, León and Atlas, but this team finished the final of the series the next season to find a third Campeonato in Fila. The Azul Cremas Parecías are destined to follow this tendency and demand reputation to get into the league.

The last equipment in Mexico had flown over the Aguilas Islands in three consecutive flights between 1983 and 1985, when it was realized just a year ago.

“Since 1991, America has not been completed because I just spent 90 minutes in Monterrey,” Álvaro Fidalgo said in Spanish. “With mesura porque todavía no ganamos nada, quedan 90 minutes en una cancha complicated with a great team”.

Los Rayados, directed by the Argentine Martín Demichelis, asked for a differentiation of a golf to win the Partido al-Alargue and a delay of both opportunities to conquer the Domingo at regular intervals in the evening in their BBVA stadium, and called the “Gigante de Acero”.

Monterrey, for the fifth time in regular play, is in the first final of the 2019 Apertura and has won its first league title.

“Soy the primero de los optimistas, a lo largo mes mes lo he sido, with resultsados ​​aversos, tenemos la opportunidad to competition for ser campeones,” said Demichelis on his first goal in Mexican football. “Vamos a petitir, va a ser other cosa el domingo en el Gigante de Acero con nuestra gente.”

To join the tribunal, Monterrey will have to turn to Argentine-Australian Lucas Ocampos, who was injured in the first minutes of the day’s meeting.

“Vamos con respeto, por algo es el bicampeón, es tercera final, ganó to Toluca, a Cruz Azul, but nosotros vamos a ser un Rayados asfixiantes,” added the participant. “Vamos a dar todo, ganando un partido vamos a ser campeones”.

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