Brigitte Macron and Emmanuel Macron meet for the “Golden Pieces” media campaign.

Brigitte Macron and Emmanuel Macron meet for the “Golden Pieces” media campaign.

Brigitte Macron, on January 6th on the plateau of TF1, in a campaign for the “Pièces Jaunes”, a big conversation with Emmanuel Macron
MARTIN LELIEVRE / AFP Brigitte Macron, on January 6th on the plateau of TF1, in a campaign for the “Pièces Jaunes”, a big conversation with Emmanuel Macron


Brigitte Macron, on January 6th on the plateau of TF1, in a campaign for the “Pièces Jaunes”, a big conversation with Emmanuel Macron

POLITIQUE – Yellow pieces and carte blanche. During my month of January, the first lady (accompanied in recent years by Didier Deschamps, the selector of the French national football team) carried out the “Young Children” operation in the media. Le but: Consult this annual meeting since 1989 to improve the conditions of hospitalization of children.

On this occasion, the various suspended sentences are generally announced. Since this year. On the coast, Didier Deschamps surprised his world and announced that he was quitting after the election after the lunar year of 2026. The other, Brigitte Macron, accepted the despair because of the rare situation of her son, The President of the Republic.

From a habitual point of view, I have chaired the Fondation des Hôpitaux since 2019 (after Bernadette Chirac’s Suite), an essay on law and the best news by the author Emmanuel Macron. Due to the dissolution, responsibility for the current political instability lies, or I’ll go to the Élysée shortly.

“Je le Sens Extremement Blessé”

On January 10th, the premiere of Dame was broadcast on RTL on the grounds that the head of state had given up politics because his mandate had ended. “Could politics be arrested?” And who are the men of politics that you met when they got to know politics? I know what I own in my head is not allowed »another statement from Brigitte Macron, venue in the studio for the Lance of Golden Pieces.

For this reason he could not reveal his intentions, but he said that he would see them “Making a mistake at work (…) I wrote a few days later, maybe it was a day when it was published, but I don’t know where to go. » That’s not all.

Today on RTL, the lady of the premiere is in possession of her son’s Esprit state, it was commented on for three days and published in TF1’s 13-hour journal. “Je le Sens Extremement Blessé”at-elle lâché, avant d’ajouter: “Imagine the acts of violence you will experience?” My humble self, the rarity I have on the resources, did not occur to me when I came to like-minded groups of people who didn’t know what they didn’t know or who they soon caught. » Mardi Gras, on TV, you’re back “respect” à l’égard du Chef de l’État qui serait «Meurtri» par « That’s parfoisian. »

Brigitte Macron is also daring thanks to her good humor and her political comments. These are the arguments that have now taken me back to the shores of the President of the Republic. About the dissolution of the National Assembly through an example.

“I think that’s the story that I brought to the mind of my resolution, but that’s not the right thing or not the right thing to do,” She also replied that the language elements provided by the Élysée would be available to the press after the last day. Et d’ajouter: « It was a small miracle for me. I think it’s a mystery to me, forgive this expression, I won’t ask you for help. »

See also Le HuffPost:

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