“Chicharito” Hernández is excited about his team’s title

“Chicharito” Hernández is excited about his team’s title

The Chivas dropout lost the first phase of preparation for the Clausura 2025 in Liga MX before being present in the Kings League Américas

The President of Olimpo, Javier Chicharito Hernánd ez We recently celebrated the title that my team also received Kings League Americasluego de imponerse ante Persas Throughout the shootout, two players met regularly.

With this trophy, Olimpo se convirtió en el primer equipo de Royal League This means that the season ended as in the regular phase of the competition.

During the Partido, Persas Tomó la delantera en el marcador, gracias a doublete de Obed Martinezsin embargo, Lobo j Chuy Martinez igualaron la pizarra. There are still shootings, Persas perdió al meta Antonio Monterde Keep in mind that I was busy with the red paint during the priming and messed up the restoration of the Acciones.

sin Monterde Bajo Palos, Olimpo Marcó exhausted all possible options and beat the Electrics 4-1 in the final to win their first trophy.

¿Y Chivas?

Cabe resaltar que, mientras Javier ChicharitoHernandez celebrate the campeonato de Olimpo de Kings League Americas, Chivasequipo de League MX When he was registered as a player of the league, preliminary work was carried out and it was too late to discuss the first duel around the upcoming Liga MX goal.

Chivas empató sin goles ante Mineros de Zacatecas In the basic training of the technician Oscar Garcia al frente del Rebañoin the marco de la preparation rojiblanca rumbo al Clausura 2025.

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