Epic is removing ranked Fortnite OG Zero Build Squads

Epic is removing ranked Fortnite OG Zero Build Squads

Since the release of Fortnite Chapter 5 in late 2023, Epic Games has steadily increased the number of unique game modes in Fortnite. Fortnite Festival, Rocket Racing and Lego Fortnite have all proven quite popular, with Fortnite Reload, OG and Ballistic all introducing new ways to play in the last year. Not to mention the hundreds of player-created custom experiences available in the game.

Of course, splitting the player base across so many game modes can be problematic, and Epic Games has now decided to cut corners to address this issue. Along with Fortnite update 33.20, Epic announced that it has removed the ranked version of Fortnite OG Zero Build Squads from the game. Epic’s tweet explains that this was done to “improve the health of matchmaking and the overall experience of quickly jumping into a ranked match.”

Ultimately, this isn’t a huge deal as players still have the option to play both unranked Fortnite OG Zero Build Squads and regular ranked Fortnite Zero Build Squads. Given that Fortnite OG is based on the pre-zero build days, it’s no surprise that it’s one of the less popular ways to play.

However, this raises some concerns about other game modes. If Epic is willing to split its player base across so many modes, it might be the best idea to reduce some of those options like this, since no one wants to wait forever for a game.

NEXT: Epic Games announces loss protection for ranked players in Fortnite OG

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