Export is the big goal of complex soybeans

Export is the big goal of complex soybeans

It took a few 15 days for the soy market in Brazil to experience a contrasting scenario. While the soybean farewell ended with the expansion of our exports, the year 2024 was completed by the year 2024.

The reduction is mainly due to lower production and increasing demand for biodiesel. Since total soy exports in 2023 were 3 million tonnage and 99 million tons, this is equivalent to just one piece of paper volume.

Photo: Agoexport

The largest export reduction is directly linked to security, 147 million tones were registered, instead of 10 million less than the previous security. In addition, there is an international demand for soy for the production of biodiesel, which is absorbed between 20 and 25 million tons, or that more than a larger quantity is available for export.

Photo: Agoexport

In addition, soy farewell is designated as one of the most important soy complex products. As an express investment in the agricultural industry, Brazil exported larger quantities, resulting in the greatest benefit from soy. Since the export of soybeans was more than 23 million tons, a new intake was carried out in the last five years and an increase of 6 million tons was demonstrated. They reflect the efforts of the Brazilian agricultural industry to increase the value of the product.

Photo: Agoexport

No, the soybean oil was in a negative scenario as it was an export. At the moment it was 1.31 million tones of petroleum, compared to 2.33 million in 2023, which was a repeat at the beginning of 2020 energy crisis in Europe that you commissioned the purchase of Oleo.

The soy market has a direct impact on Brazil’s trade balance. In 2023, Brazilian agriculture exported $167, with 40% of total sales coming from complex soy. In 2024, the agricultural economy is expected to receive about $150 dollars after receiving exports and our bulk prices, prices and soybean oil.

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