¿Feliz Navidad? Feliz Navidad

¿Feliz Navidad? Feliz Navidad

The dominant Navigator advertising offers familiar, ideal home departure points from Navidad. On the contrary, all the family members could not identify with the upcoming events because they caused a lot of pain to the heart: because they had a false reception, because they lost the house in the night, because of the cancer diagnosis after last week, because of the uncertainty , that Acarrea estar is in paro, por la perdida de esebarazzo tan séado… que lleva a plantearse: ¿feliz Navidad? Part of that is celebrating being a film actor.

When the conditions of life are endured and the duel is real, the emotional regulation ability and the perception of control must be activated. Para ello, hace falta poder vers a uno mismo como de fuera y poder ver al otro como de de entro. This means that Fonagy and Bateman claim the ability to mentalize.

The mentality develops primarily in the family as soon as it has a secure tribal father compared to its main guardians. Therefore, we can build that capacity in our own homes by offering them the service that we offer them. When the mentality discourages us, we allow empathy, you get up and become you, even adults: quote, save and make you think, wishes and emotions. Join me and initiate it, maintain positive interpersonal relationships and shape the community.

The mentality was also implicated in death with Dios, because he was human in Christ, because he gave us our services in spirit: allowed us to adore our loved ones, with his loved ones who accompanied us the most profoundly de Our interior space. Therefore, in meeting the people we have governed by the authors, we have regained the perception of control, the fluid relationships and the strong community.

On December 25th he celebrated the consummation of Jesus, who received the greatest possible pain: abandonment, assault, injustice, humiliation, torture, scolding, despair, and he was lost in thought, accompanied and supported by Dios, so that we are confronted with this precedent sanar y encontra sentido.

Y por ello, a pesar del dolor, podemos hoy desearnos una FELIZ NAVIDAD.

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