Fernanda Torres was best actress in a drama

Fernanda Torres was best actress in a drama

O que aconteceu

Aatriz Ganhou starred in “Ainda Estou Aqui”, a film that was not interpreted by Eunice Paiva. She competes with Angelina Jolie, Nicole Kidman, Tilda Swinton, Kate Winslet and Pamela Anderson. A cerimônia aconteceu neste domingo (5).

Joining the friend of Viola Davis, Torres, the director Walter Salles and his girlfriend Fernanda Montenegro, he was accompanied by Globo de Ouro 25 years ago, in conversation with “Central do Brasil”. “It was one of the reasons I admired her, because I admire her. Claro, I heard Walter Salles, my friend, my friend. My story, Walter! I dedicated it to myself. I still had no idea! Estava here wine and five years.

I aproveitou para falar de sua personagem. “It is proof that an artist worked close to Eunice Paiva Passou throughout his life during some difficult moments. Because of the problems we don’t have in the world, it’s a film that makes us think about how we survived in the time we live in.

Fernanda Torres comes from the Globo de Ouro 2025
Fernanda Torres comes from the Globo de Ouro 2025 Image: Amy Sussman/Getty Images

Based on the book of the same name by Marcelo Rubens Paiva, published in 2015, “Ainda Estou Aqui” tells the story of Eunice Paiva, my author. Torres Eunice’s Vivida, imprisoned by the violence of the regime’s military in custody and out of desperation in the United States, or deputy cashier Rubens Paiva (Selton Mello), in office since 1970.

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