Here you can watch the Aurora Borealis on New Year’s Eve

Here you can watch the Aurora Borealis on New Year’s Eve


People ringing in the New Year in several states along the U.S.’s northern border could spot the aurora borealis amid the fireworks and celebrations, with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration predicting increased visibility on New Year’s Eve.

Important facts

NOAA predicted a Kp index of 5 on its scale reaching 9, meaning the lights will be strong enough to reach beyond the Canadian border into states where they are not normally visible.

The lights may be visible in more than seven states along the Canadian border and can usually be seen between 10 p.m. and 2 a.m. – in this case, right as the calendar turns to the new year.

The lights are expected to continue into Wednesday night, although the forecast drops several points to a Kp of 2.

NOAA’s three-day space conditions forecast shows strong space activity with a geomagnetic storm reaching G3 conditions, two steps away from the most extreme conditions of a G5, as well as the release of three solar flares from the Sun, all increasing the visibility of Tuesday’s skyline .

Where will the Northern Lights be seen on New Year’s Eve?

The lights will be particularly bright in Alaska and across Canada, where the lights are usually visible and where NOAA predicts the greatest chance of visibility. The following states may also see Tuesday night’s lights: Idaho, Washington, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota and Wisconsin – but lights could reach as far as Iowa, Wyoming, Nebraska, Illinois, Michigan, Oregon, New York and Vermont range, New Hampshire and Maine.

What’s the best way to see the Northern Lights on New Year’s Eve?

Cities closer to the border – the further north the better – have a better chance of seeing them. If you want to see the lights, you should look up around midnight or after midnight and possibly go to a tall building to enjoy the view from above. According to NOAA, it’s also helpful to avoid busy areas because light pollution from cities — and possibly fireworks — could reduce the visibility of the aurora.

What is the best way to photograph the aurora?

According to NASA, many smartphones are capable of photographing the light displays and even recording the lights when people can’t see anything. Photographers should activate night mode so that the camera can take pictures even in the dark. For cameras with interchangeable lenses, it is helpful to use a lens that captures a wider angle or, if using a professional camera, to manually adjust the exposure and focus, writes National Geographic.

What is a Black Moon?

A rare event called a “black moon” appeared on Monday evening. Although there are several definitions, a black moon is generally considered to occur when there are two new moons in a month. According to NASA, a new moon occurs when the moon is briefly invisible before the lunar phase begins again. The black moon is rare because it occurs about every two years or more, says the Farmer’s Almanac.

Important background

Last year saw some of the most active northern lights in five centuries. According to NASA, geomagnetic storms affecting the lights were more active in 2024 than in the previous two decades. At certain points throughout the year, the lights could be seen in US states such as California, Florida and Texas, where it is highly unusual to see the Northern Lights. The activity even continued through the end of the year, with the 2024 holiday season seeing the lights on Christmas, Hanukkah and Thanksgiving. NASA experts expect the increased visibility to continue for the next two years.

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