How he brought the Virgen de Guadalupe to Juan Diego: His story and because it is celebrated on December 12th

How he brought the Virgen de Guadalupe to Juan Diego: His story and because it is celebrated on December 12th

Este jueves December 12th Se commemoran 492 years of the apariciones de la Virgen de Guadalupe On the Cerro del Tepeyac. A celebration that Abarca tanto a Mexico Like in other parts of the world. Devotion to the Immaculate Conception is a theme that transcends borders. Conocida como la “Morenita del Tepeyac” y Considerada la Patron of the AmericasCuenta con personas que la veneran en países como Peru, Colombia, El Salvador y Stadiums Unidos.

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Due to popular relationships, Juan Diego became deeply concerned with the salvation of his father, but he imposed a severe punishment on him. Aunque The Virgin has been consecrated for many years I commissioned him with the chairman Fray Juan de Zumárraga to build a temple in his honor La Voz de America.

Fue en la cuarta aparición cuando la Virgo Make sure your child is healthy. Entonces, Juan Diego, originator of Cuautitlán, Choose the CerroAunque aún no comprendía all do do el position de las petitions de la madre de Jesus.

La “Morenita del Tepeyac” is present Garments made from brilliant colors que evocaban los atuendos típicos de las Indigenous women de aquella época. Según la tradition, Le Pidió to Juan Diego, who recognized him as Rosa del cerro.

It’s impossible to ask for parecía because it’s just been a year and it’s been a year Roses have never flourished before. Ban on sin, Juan Diego encontró unas flores de extraordinaria bellezaLas Cortó and las llevó al obispo en su ayate, a prenda típica similar to a poncho.

We present the roses on the Obispo, the picture of her Virgen de Guadalupe As for the print, as best as possible, it is preserved until the last day of the year Basilica of Guadalupeconsigna el medium.

For millions of believers, December 12 symbolized the “Nacimiento” of the Virgin Morena and reflected the religious faith consolidated in Mexico by the Spanish League (AP Photo Marco Ugarte).

Según la tradition, this fecha fue escogida porque On December 12, 1531, the encounter with the Virgin of the indigenous Juan Diego took place in Tepeyaclugar donde hoy se encuentran tanto La Antigua like La Nueva Basilica of Guadalupenorth of the Ciudad de México.

It was not until 1667 that Pope Clement IX declared December 12th is the official day of honor for the Virgin of GuadalupeIn 1824 the Mexican Congress was restored National Fiesta.

Paramillones de fieldes devotos, December 12th symbolizes the “Nacimiento” of the Virgin MorenaThe locals reflect the religious secretism that came together in Mexico through the Spanish League.

So, here is the Mexican singing tradition “Las mañanitas” en los cumpleaños, this topic se dedica también a la Virgen de Guadalupeto invite everyone to a celebration. This costume has migrated across borders, not only because of Mexican migration, but also because of deep devotion and love for the Virgin Mary in Mexico and Latin America How la Virgen Morena, Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe and Reina de las Americas.

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