“Jugamos versus the best team of the world”

“Jugamos versus the best team of the world”

Llano del Beal It is a village that has been in illusion since it happened on December 10th Deportivo Mineraa humble club you play Segunda RFEFHabía hecho historia al eliminar al Alaves en treintaidosavos de final de la Copa. Understood Municipal Ángel CeldránI’m sure this unit is like a big family, but it’s a solid base for moving up at a later date.

As the Plantilla runs towards José Pérez “Popy” in one of the fans of the stadium, fans are about to take the final steps to show the emotional side against him real MadridBuy t-shirts or commemorative gifts or just so you can relive moments of my feelings.

OKDIARIO is present Llano del Beal For the first step I have to prepare myself Deportiva Minera To medirse in Cartogonova, and not in your usual house, in the Campeón de Europa, a circumstance that you deplore. «Ver al real Madrid “We have changed everything on our installations, but well, we are playing in a stadium that attracts 14,000 fans,” the Popy statement said.

The villagers are full of emotions over the grand occasion. For example, Fran Martinezportero de la mineral, Cuenta como paseando por las calles del pueblo escucha a la gente hablar de este partido, de como conseguir entradas and the illusion that les hace. Además, also the crowd of lovers who are with them irán and the madridistas of el Llano have clearly said: “Vamos con la Minera, aunque seamos del.” real Madrid». As far as we know, for example, Jeronimo VivancosOne of the fields is equipped so that you cannot invade the competitions.

«¿La camiseta? My wife pidió la de Modric»

OKDIARIO is also a good con Omar Perdomoformer Jugador of Tenerife or Córdoba, among others. The Canadian is one of the speakers of this Deportiva Minera who have lost his story. When I believed that the t-shirt was his, there was an anecdote about how the son wanted to say: “Well, I loved my wife, that’s the biggest madridista you have.” Ella ha pedido la de Modric ya mí también me hace illusion».

From other perspectives, Fran understood it even more clearly. I knew that when Courtois traveled to Cartagena he needed a gift and I went there Bellingham, That’s the question your wife and her hermana want to ask. “La de Thibaut lo primero y si hay suerte, pues también la de Jude,” explains under risas.

A Polémica result

However, I will tell you the price of the entradas Jose Blaya GomezPresident and one of those responsible for this withdrawal Deportiva Mineralo aclara perfectamente: “The future of the club lies in the key.” Somos humildes. This empujón is necessary to continue and grow. With this money you can guarantee this time and size.”. My biggest client added that he had come to terms with his lovers’ response: “It was all about the mine when I played against them.” real Madrid que paguen».

The figure of the psychologo

A club that is modest, but it is important that its members take advantage of all the services available to them. That is why in recent days I have been dealing with a psychologist when I contacted Real Madrid, with the aim of breaking the pulsations of all football players. “Popy” is enchanted by his character, but he won’t look to the future until he knows his footballers don’t want “extra motivation”.

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