León reached out to James Rodríguez and brought him together with the Guardado de Quedarse

León reached out to James Rodríguez and brought him together with the Guardado de Quedarse

La Fiera It’s all about the reflectors League Mx In this transmission period: Este mediocre había adelantado el January 8th que las negotiations del Club León with James Rodriguez Estaban muy avanzadas.

Now we have to confirm that the instruction of this club with Andrés Guardado in plastic for the “Sacarlo del retiro” and the agreement that the game should take place in the next few months at the fair is in plastic and now needs to be confirmed Mediotitempo Now that’s the reason to leave the club. The information that suggests this is the case Club Leon ya tendría cerrada la contractación de James Rodriguez.

¿James, are you de la Fiera?

El 10 titles from the Selection Colombia I felt connected to Panza Verde and only understood it as an official. The next day, before the trial began and following the trial, James accepted the economic offer for the next four months League Mx.

Have a moment, la Panza Verde Directive I have maintained silence: I have not communicated the information and I have provided it with the audit certificate, but without embargo, and I have received a separate consultation from them nada extraño pasa, James Rodríguez firmará para la Fair.

The offers on James’ Mesa did not exceed the team Eduardo Berizzo le ofreció al Cucuteño de 33 anos edad.

The details of James’ negotiation and contract with León were not disclosed. Without an embargo, it is mediocre that the club has a residence during this period ColombiansQuien habría asks for many special features so that your house is reputable during your stay in the city.

James is in el Rayo VallecanoEquipo Donde Jugó entered for more than 200 minutes Liga and Copa in the Primera División of Spanish football.

Apenas in July of the year passed when they were named Best player of the Copa América 2024in the Torneo donde compitió junto a Colombia before the camp of the world Argentinacon todo y Messiaccording to the title of this torneo.

Andrés Guardado played in Leon

The legend of James Rodríguez from León’s motives towards the technical direction of the exhibition center, well, a Andres Guardado. Eduardo Berizzo has made Guardado’s decision not to continue and is thinking about completing his career by the end of participation Club León in Apertura 2024.

“Toto” was sure that he wanted to go ahead and work with them one more time before joining and participating in the league in a few months, next semester Mundial de Clubes. No lo logró.

The León captain wanted a special nod Berizzoel propio Guardado In the transmission, realized through her acquaintance with Instagram, she announced her withdrawal, increasing the Argentine strategy of which she said: she had the chance to play many times more football.

A few months after this announcement and within the framework of James Rodríguez’s contract as a standard, there is currently the possibility of confirming it The León club has “retired” the mediocre camper Andrés Guardado, who has signed up with the team.

Obviously, ‘El Principito‘Había puesto fin a su carrera de futbolista 19 years ago I read a lot of songsin the five world cups and in the 17th year of the career in European football, opened in November 2024.

Guardado was not alone in confronting the clubs’ international torneo, but the clubs’ double captain de la Selección de Colombia in midfield Esmeralda en The largest club mundial in history.

Jesús Martínez, president of León, and Eduardo Berizzo, manager of the club, considered the last days and hours responsible for the summoning of the historic captain Selection Mexicana Quien disputó cinco mundiales.

It was mediocre that Guardado closely followed and waited for the owner of Club León Ultimately, Captain When I retired, participation in the Fiera ended at the club’s largest event between June 15th and July 13th Estados Unidos y donde el Leon enfrentará al Chelsea, Esperanza de Tunez and Flamengo de Brasil.

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