PlayStation Wrap-Up 2024 finally works after over 24 hours offline

PlayStation Wrap-Up 2024 finally works after over 24 hours offline

PlayStation Summary 1

Update #3 (): Sony has corrected its year-end PlayStation summary report, so you can finally see your shame. Once we logged in, we were able to get our stats fairly smoothly, although we still had issues with the trophy section of the site.

However, if you want to check out your PlayStation recap, you can finally do so here.

Update #2 (): It should have been one of PlayStation’s viral social media hits of the month, but somehow the summary completely fell apart. To be fair, this happens every year for the company as these things rarely work. We are now approaching 24 hours since the feature launched and it remains in maintenance.

Update #1 (): It appears that Sony is having significant issues with the PlayStation’s roundup this year, as the official website has been updated to say “We’ll be back soon.” While we were able to access our personal summary when the site went live, other users received several error messages. We will update as soon as the feature is available again.

Original story: The Spotify Wrapped-like platform PlayStation Wrap-Up is now available for all PSN users to view their 2024 gaming stats. You can sign up using the link on the official website and you will be treated to various statistics about your year on PlayStation.

The PlayStation summary starts counting all the PS5 and PS4 games you’ve played in 2024, as well as the very first one you played. For this writer it was Cyberpunk 2077. Next are your top five most played games and then your most popular genre. The next page breaks the year down into each individual month to show your most played game and the number of hours logged.

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