Presented here – Telemundo Houston

Presented here – Telemundo Houston

HOUSTON – We wait for the next few hours in our region.


Knowing that the sky is very short, you must realize that maximum temperatures are in the 40s during the day. That night is part of an eternal tormenta that left the region, ending a week later and crossing east Texas as it reached the northern part of the state later in the year. We have only read this system for the first time.


Be aware of possible flooding in the air juevesa low pressure system along the coast, began a day full of sunshine with temperatures of 37/40F (cold rain).

  • In our area, NO impact on the material of the ground and on our roads is expected, with temperatures up to 32°C.
  • Accumulated from Lluvia between 2″ and 4″ possible.
  • level 1/4 of the floods have just arrived.
  • Horario Most Lluvias: Late and Juve evening, Madrugada del Viernes.
  • NO I’ll wait a long time.

Flood potential in our area: increasingly rare

We rarely have to address the event because during this period the temperatures are not excessive to cause flooding and in any case the event is not at risk of increased pollution and the air is most destroyed in the coastal region and in the end los suelos no están en The phase of hibernation and the acceptance of the longer nights that Caigan brings with it.

¿Tendremos conditions invernales?

Over the last four months, I’ve had to wait a short while for the city to move to an area like Huntsville’s College Station, with no embargo, and it’s likely that the mayor may have deflated some of it before temperatures got below it is enough to collect trading cards Hielo o Nieve. But when I forgot, the potential that could arise was very small.

Gracias por favorite TELEMUNDO HOUSTON.

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