The Boricua Janisse Quiñones, head of the Departamento de Agua de Los Ángeles, is in the middle of the crisis caused by arson

The Boricua Janisse Quiñones, head of the Departamento de Agua de Los Ángeles, is in the middle of the crisis caused by arson

Washington D.C – La puertorriqueña Janisse QuiñonesPrincipal Officer for Ejectivity and Engineering at the Ministry of Water and Energy Los AngelesIt is a fire in this city in the medium term Californiaque han provocado la muerte de, al menos, 11 personas.

El Viernes, the governor of California, the Democrat Gavin Newsomsend a card to Quiñones and the director of the Obras Públicas del condado de Los Ángeles, Mark Pastrellato study how deep the pressure ended in the city and how the water collapsed in the Santa Ynez embayment.

“Necesitamos respuestas…Los constantly informs about the Pérdida des Presión de Agua en Algunas Bocas de Incendio Locales during the Incendios and the collapse of the Suministro de Agua de Embalse de Santa Ynez, who care deeply about me and the community.”indicó el gobernador.

Newsom said: “If the fire containment containers are not designed to extinguish wildfires in extensive areas, the fire containment containers may condemn the fire to protect life and firefighters “de evacuation”.

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