We radiate an eternal vigilance for the Viernes

We radiate an eternal vigilance for the Viernes

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (WBRC) – “Feliz miércoles!” Declares on the day of the Primera Alerta del Tiempo that he has become the focus of the four. The Servicio Nacional de Meteorología sends an annual Torment Watch for the Cobertura area residents of Blount, Calhoun, Cherokee, Clay, Cleburne, Cullman Etowah, Fayette, Jefferson, Lamar, Marion, Randolph, Shelby, St. Clair, Talladega, Walker and Winston . We will be in the middle of Viernesstrasse by 6 a.m. on Saturday at the latest. I never thought that I was content with cellis and that I recovered for moments in the zones under the alert. The nieve and pulp accumulations range from 2 to 5 inches in size.

Important points:

Viernes en la mañana: Just from the average point of the four seasons, it could be that the precipitation is in the spring mix from the summer. Veríamos una mezcla de luvia helada y nieve moviéndose hacia el este gradually. The temperatures are just before freezing. It was never the case that the area in the distance and north of Highway 278 lasted in the middle of the four months. There was mixed precipitation on the I-20 freeway.

Pronóstico a Futuro – four 5 a.m
Pronóstico a Futuro – four 5 a.m(WBRC)

Viernes al mediodía: However, over time a line connecting Ireland and Northern Ireland was established, probably at the distant and northern end of Highway 278. However, note that you have been warned about the possibility of this happening lately in the Norte de Tuscaloosa, the condados of Jefferson and Puntos al Norte y al este.

Pronóstico a Futuro – four 12 p.m
Pronóstico a Futuro – four 12 p.m(WBRC)

Viernes en la tarde: It is possible that land and land accumulation will continue in the far reaches of Alabama, and it is possible that northern and northern areas are even further afield.

Potential impact – fortnight, January 10th
Potential impact – fortnight, January 10th(WBRC)

Viernes en la noche: The rainfall that is expected increases the likelihood that the water will dissolve. Make sure temperatures are below 20°C before starting work.

The next 24 hours: The next day of the year was the Pronóstico frío and seco. The maximum temperature is around 40 degrees.

Pronóstico para hoy
Pronóstico para hoy(WBRC)

Minimum temperatures will be 10 to 20 seconds for midweek games and maximum temperatures will be 40 to 40 seconds late in the game. Check out the conditions the system has in store for you.

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